Monday, March 19, 2012

Give It Up

Okay, so...Velena is dead :( So much for those stories I hear from people where they say, "I can't get my stupid fish to die!" Well, guess what people?? I CAN'T GET MINE TO LIVE! *sigh* I was at work the other day thinking about my bad luck with pets and wondering if I should try and get another fish. Maybe I needed more water conditioner? Maybe I needed the transfer from bag to tank to be ultra smooth? But I'd tried all of that! Finally, I said out loud, "I give up!" Most of the time I have bad luck, but sometimes I have a really cool moment...this was one of those times :D Just as I admitted defeat, Josh Groban started singing "Don't Give Up" from my iPod. I have to admit, I laughed out loud.

Then I started many times have I said that? "I give up." How many times have you said it? I know for me, in the past I've said it about so many things! School, relationships, work. I have to admit, I almost gave up on life at one point too...but that's another story :) What I'd like to talk about is my most recent "I give up." Was it a bad thing? Hmmm...

I suppose you could say I'm a bit of a "relationship magnet." I love hearing about other people's interests and helping them out as much as I can. I'm a sucker for love stories...not Disney ones...real life true love stories. I hate to admit it, but it's true :P I constantly have people telling me who they "like," asking me if I think they look good together, and requesting advice. The last one really used to puzzle me. I've never been in a relationship before, so what would I know? I guess it's my outside opinion that they like to hear about. Besides, I've seen a lot of relationships go wrong before, and tend to have an idea on why. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind. In fact, I love helping people out with any advice I can give!

I was thinking about the whole thing the other day and realized that I currently have five "clients" asking me for advice about his/her boyfriend/girlfriend and what the heck should they do about this or that. It was one of those fan-freaking-tastic days where the warm sun was beaming, a cool breeze was blowing, and the birds were singing the Hallelujah chorus in the trees. Ya know...the weather that gets you a little love-sick? Under normal circumstances, the beauty of it all would have made me ecstatically happy, but on that particular day, I was feeling a little discouraged. There I was with five friends sharing their happiness with me over finding love, and I didn't have a clue as to what they were talking about. Love? Sounds great! But...whaaaa??

I'm a girl. Yup. It's true. I'm one of those creatures that really wants Prince Charming to come riding gloriously in on a gleaming white horse, ready to sweep you off your feet. No...wait. Change that...I'm not. I'm a girl, yes, but Prince Charming?? Uh-uh...ride on, Charmy, I've got a better idea. So maybe I don't want a Prince Charming...what do I want? I'll tell you. I want...


I want Super Hottie to come flying in, his cape flowing behind him as he swoops down and rescues me from the evil villain Dr. Single-Pants. To be honest, once upon a time I thought I knew who he was. He was my hero. Come to find out, he wanted to rescue some other maiden in distress. So what now? Well, my automatic response was "I give up." I wasn't good enough. Not pretty enough. Not smart enough. Not...well, you get the idea. What happens when the Prince finds a different Princess. Do you give it up? You betchya!

Whaaaa?? You're probably saying that to yourself right now, but let me explain. There are two kinds of "I give up" in this situation. My first "I give up" can be explained like this. Obviously I didn't fit the frame of the girl that Super Hottie wantedd, right? He chose someone sweet, pretty, and smart. So in my mind, that makes me stupid, ugly, and dumb. Wait a that right? Is there really only one sweet, pretty, smart girl in the world? No way! My initial "give it up" was a form of self-destruction. I tore myself down for not being everything that Super Hottie wanted. I gave up on myself, on relationships in general, and on any other superhero out there. This, my friends, is the wrong form of "giving it up." There is, however, the second choice. I finally  made this and have found more peace in the matter than ever before...and that was "giving it up" to Jesus...the Superhero of Superheroes.

God created us girls to like guys. God created you guys to like girls. That's just the way it is. Any other way is just twisted and wrong. Girls and guys are supposed to be together, and when they get married, it's for life. When pursuing a relationship, then, shouldn't you be absolutely SURE that you're getting the right Prince/Superhero? Think about it this way: God knows absolutely EVERYTHING. And when I say that, I'm not stretching any truths. He knows when happened in the past, he's knows what's going on now, and He knows what will happen in every second of the future. Yyyyyup! That includes knowing who you're going to end up with. Now look at yourself. You know some about the past, but can you really be sure you were born at the right hospital?? As for what's going on now, I know for a fact that I'm sitting here on my bed typing, Beenieman is doing homework, and everybody else is sleeping. But what's going on in Belize right now? Is there are party going on in Madrid? I don't know...could be! But the fact is, I don't know. Now for the future. I know that I'll be going to work tomorrow and planting fuschia's in #12...or do I? Who says I won't wake up sick and have to spend all day in bed? Or maybe my boss with have me work in #2 with Cranky. Long story short, I don't know anything about the future.

All that being said, do we really want to be the ones to decide which Prince/Superhero is right for us? I sure don't! If I pick, it's really a wild stab in the dark as to whether or not it'll work out in the future. If God picks, though, it's a sure win...and He already knows it! I mean, what if Rapunzel decided that she really wanted to marry the beast. Lol...sorry, that's a funny thought :D Or what if Louis Lane decided that Batman is a better match for her? Imagine the day she realized that Bruce Wayne isn't the awkward little newspaper guy she had a little crush on. She wakes up one day and realizes that she doesn't want to be rich...she just wants to spend time with her husband. Unfortunately, she can't, because he's off at some uppity meeting in Japan for the week. How would she feel then??

I suppose the point I'm trying to make is this. Don't "give up" when the love of your lif doesn't return the favor. "Give it up" to God and let Him let you know in His own good time who Mr. Right really is. I have no doubt that if you leave it in His hands, He'll give you exactly what you've always been looking for. I know, I's hard to wait. Trust me, I'm waiting right along with you! But I made the choice to "give it up" and I'm confident that if it's God's will, Mighty Man will fly into my life and lay the world at my feet. If not, ya know what? It's okay! Jesus is the ultimate Superhero anyway :) He protects, He fights for, and He loves. Gee...what else could I be looking for??

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